Monday, September 29, 2008

Taking A Few...

I am so excited that the day has finally come! Tanner has started to take multiple steps. I have been warned numerous times by seasoned parents that when Tanner begins walking, I will have wished he was only crawling. But, it's so amazing to watch him initiate steps without being persuaded. He is still a bit timid with each step, but with those steps comes great excitement from us!

Tanner is our first child, and we are excited about almost EVERYTHING he accomplishes. It's so fun! Like most parents, we think he's a genius! Putting shapes in their correct place, playing with puzzles, and building with blocks are all exciting events to see happen. But, alas, I am still waiting for that one beautiful sound..."mama"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Okay, I understand that everyone has something go wrong with something once in awhile. But, I have completely had it! This summer my A/C in my car slowly started to "not work." My fabulous husband temporarily fixed the problem by sealing any leaks and adding more coolant. Great....until a few weeks ago when it was no longer blowing fresh cool air but hot stuffy air. I have learned to roll ALL the windows down and opening my moon roof.
About the same time the A/C went out in my vehicle, the clothes washer would stop on certain washing cycles until I pressed on the lid. I didn't mind checking the washer every now and then to make sure it completely finished washing the laundry. Until the switch that changed the cycles fell off the husband has now taped the switch to the washer. Yeah! I have my washer back....with some extra bling!
Now, to ice the wonderful cake of failing technology my cell phone won't charge. It may have been because of the heat of my car, the chocolate milk that coated my phone or the child who slobbered on it. Any combination could have caused the demise of my cheap cell phone. All I know is that I am completely fed up with my world of technology crashing down around me. Take my A/C...I have fans. Steal my washer...I have quarters. But don't TOUCH my phone! I guess it's another trip to Wal-Mart for the latest in go phones. Sigh....heavy sigh.....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Turning 1

Time flies when your having fun! It sure has for our family. I cannot believe that it has already been a year since Tanner came into our lives. Last weekend we were able to celebrate an exciting day as parents. Saturday was Tanner's first birthday. We had family and friends come and joins us for the important event. We began the festivities with singing "Happy Birthday" and blowing out the candle.

Next, Tyler gave Tanner his first cake. Nothing really happened at first. Tanner just poked it. After he got some icing on his fingers, he didn't seem too excited about the new experience. Tyler gave him a taste of the icing.....mmmm...not too bad. Tanner continued just to poke around. Not exactly what I had expected. Tanner tends to be quite a messy eater.

After cleaning up, Tanner opened up his presents. He opened up his present from his Aunt Jamie and Uncle Jackson. He enjoyed ripping the paper and seeing what was inside. I think he like the gift. Don't you?

Tanner opened many more wonderful gifts and toys. Our living room is filled with noise and laughter. I never realized how much room a little boy only 12 months old could need. But he enjoys using every inch. It was a wonderful day. I have been so blessed. Tanner is such a joy. I cannot imagine life without his wonderful smiles and giggles.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back At The Ranch

Every fall our county has a fair. Tyler and I for the past few years have gone to the fair to enjoy the rides, games, and inspect the local entries of crafts, art and food. This year our county has had quite a bit of rain. We were excited to bring Tanner to his first fair. The stroller, however, was not as excited to be pushed through the mud and water puddles. So we decided to keep to the concrete path. This directed us toward the animals that had been entered in the fair. Tanner was able to see cows, roosters, pigs and lambs. I love to looks at all the different kinds of animals that have been entered. When we went to the area that has the bunnies, we found a bunny that was just chillin' out in his pin. He was so big and cute! Tanner thought he was funny!

Then we went on to the stables. Tanner got to see his first real cow. He kept wanting to pet it, but the cow was more interested in eating his dinner.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Getting my feet wet...

I am so excited about starting a blog for my family. Today, obviously, is my first post. I am usually not technologically savvy, so this process has been slow to start. I hope that I am able to use this blog to stay in touch with friends and family that I don't always get to see.

My husband and I have one child who is about to turn one this month. I am so excited!! It is so amazing to look back at photos and see how much he has grown. Tanner has been such a blessing. Being a mom is one of the most rewarding, fun, exciting, exhausting, stressful jobs in the world! I love it!

My entire vocabulary has changed. Words such as boppy and bumbo 12 months ago ment nothing. Aslo, I get excited about the littlest things. Tanner has just learned to put objects into other larger objects. Anytime he puts a block in his red box, I cheer and clap. All the while he just smiles and looks at me.

I was able to stay home all this summer with him. I am a teacher, so I had to go back to work in August. I knew that it would be hard to leave him with a sitter all day so that I could go back to work. Especially since I was able to spend everyday with him for two months. Tanner really does love to be around people and loves to play. So it hasn't seemed to be too hard of an adjustment for him. My favorite part of the day is picking him up from daycare and seeing his big smile when he sees me! He has the cutest smile.